
Dawn has completed her certification as a Holistic Health Coach and is working on her bachelors in Holistic Science based in Quantum science. She will continue on to get her PhD in Holistic Medicine. She is also currently mentoring in Shamanism with a focus on Medical Intuitive and mediumship.  She is certified in Body Code, QHHT, SOMA, YTT200, and breathwork. In 2024, Dawn will also continue to train with Lynne McTaggart in Intention healing.

All of this has come together for her to create Sovereignty Coaching Program and Quantum Coaching!

All roads lead to one destination. You are your own healer!

Combining practical strategies with spiritual principles, to help you achieve your dreams and live a life of abundance and joy.

dawn elgin laughing, quantum coach, couples coach, business, coach, sovereignty coach, mindfulness teacher, body code practitioner


Our coaching style blends quantum energy principles, holistic healing, and practical strategies to guide you toward deep, lasting transformation. With a focus on self-sovereignty, I help you reconnect with your inner power, heal emotional wounds, and release limiting beliefs. Through personalized one-on-one sessions, we dive deep into your unique journey, using tools like breathwork, emotional release, and mindset reprogramming to support your growth.

Sovereignty group coaching

Sovereignty Program

The Year of Sovereignty is a 12-month, one-on-one coaching journey designed to help you heal, release, and reclaim your personal power. Through 24 personalized coaching sessions and bi-monthly group Q&A calls, you’ll dive deep into emotional healing, release limiting beliefs, and step into your true self. Combining quantum energy principles and practical strategies, this program offers ongoing support with meditations, challenges, and tools to ensure lasting transformation.

Energy Medicine

The integration of Body Code, Compassionate Shadow Work, Breathwork, and Energy Balancing Techniques provides a comprehensive approach to healing that addresses the root causes of imbalances, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual; and supports your journey towards wholeness. When combined, these practices create a synergistic effect that amplifies their individual benefits.

What they’re saying about PS

“I have worked with Dawn for over 2 years and I absolutely love how our coaching has evolved. I started with weekly coaching as I was newly entering the workforce after being at home with my children full time and I am now working on releasing trapped emotions from years past.

I highly recommend if you are tiptoeing into coaching or ready for a total life overhaul that you use Dawn as your coach. Her approach and experience truly covers the mind, body and soul. Thank you Dawn as my life is truly more fulfilled because of the work I have done with you”.

Mardi Getty

“I have been on a healing journey for many years to slowly re-connect with the parts of me that have been lost, hurt and blocking me from feeling whole. This inner work has been difficult and beautiful all at the same time. I felt comfortable and safe throughout the entire process.

Dawn’s connectivity and intuition amazed me, along with the information that was received during our Body Code sessions. Since working together we released energies – trapped emotions, internalized traumas and other emotional energies, that weren’t healthy, nor serving me. I have immense gratitude”.

Carolyn Colling